Separated at entrance
And smooth marble
And rolled through us
The birth departed
And raced up from my tailbone
to the top most tip
And out like smoke.
I forgot you,
Forever, afterall.
That’s how it felt.
How it seemed.
Until I waded in a pond
As a full grown woman
And my feet saw the reflection
Of the blue heart
Vibrating, pulsating
The mirrored waters
And you ran up into my veins
And settled up into my spine
Again. Forever, afterall,
You stayed with me.
The children rubbed on you
And lay their soft skulls against you
As we read books and
Told stories.
You spread thick
Like a paste full of
Ash and liquid rock
Like a paste full of
Ash and liquid rock
And smooth marble
And rolled through us
Like an apple
Breaking from branch.
Ready. Gather up. Eat. Eaten.
And we sometimes entered into
Behind doors of
Schools and
And said yes to long linear roads
That led to nowhere-conversations
And nothing-feelings.
Until you pushed up
Through my spine again
Like a virus
And gathered the children
In my arms, like nectar,
In my heart-center
And we joined you and
That once departed-birth
For a final ride in the basket of a
Transparent balloon
Transparent balloon
Moving swift and silent
To the center of
It all.
And the nothingness
Became you and them
And their tired eyes and feet
And I woke in the pond
seeing blue painted on
My toes.
The water pooling blue blood
All around me.
And I saw how everything
Is alive and never-dying.
And I smiled to know you and the children
And the red and blue of
Joy beneath me.
stephanie lorentzen-jordan